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What is tarrot

Tarot gives you answers to your life questions and information on things that may be coming into your life. 


Tarot is Cards that depict your life situations and can give you insight about things that have happened , will take place or give you information on things that you are currently learning on your journey of life


The answers that you recieve from tarot are never perminante as you are able to change the outcomes. They can change all the time from your own day to day actions. 

My special story:



I have always been interested in tarot most of my life and at the age of twenty, I picked up my first deck of cards. I realized very quickly how accurate they were and used them often just with my own situations. I then  had friends ask me to start doing their readings and so I have been doing family and friends now for the last twenty years, and I had a family member say you should offer your services to others. So here I am offering to give reading to you. 


As for the Energy Healing I have been Preforming this for family and friends for the past 13 years, since my son was born two months early and he was so tiny that he needed some extra help in his growth and family and friends sending healing energy to help with headaches and other injuries such as broken bones. Aligning your energies can help in so many beneficial ways.


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