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Policy & Ethics


 1) Confidentiality   - I will not share your personal information or the reading with anyone unless given permission from you. Your                                      reading is personal to my clients and will be kept priviate.


 2) Trust -  I will never take advantage of my clients in anyway, as well I will not allow my clients to become dependant on my      readings.


 3) Non-Judgemental - My clients will never be judge on the issues that bring them to me , or any of the questions that they may have.


 4) Empowerment - My goal is to help empower my clients to live their life with joy and confidence. I wont tell my clients what to do, I may provide them with  some advice which they are free to take or leave when the appointment is over.


 5) Future Predictions - Though the reading may touch on some future things, I will be focusing on the present as things can change on a day to day basis depending on our actions. 


 6) Reading a question for others - I can only read for the person that gives me permission to read them , and as such I will not be able to read for someone else unless they are there to give permission.


 7) Tarot Reading is not a substituation for perfessional therapy , such as Legal , medical, or finacial advice. 


 8) You must be 18 yrs. or Older to have a reading from me.


 All my readings are done with positive light, I won't look at the negitive sides, though you will be told everything the cards are saying I will mainly be focusing on the positive.


These are my own personal policies and ethics and may not apply to other readers.


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